Pangdam IX/Udayana Inaugurates Command Center Korem 162/WB

Mataram – After just two weeks of serving as Pangdam IX/Udayana, Major General TNI Harfendi S.I.P, M.Sc carried out his first working visit to the Korem 162/Wira Bhakti area Monday (5/9/2023). After carrying out a visit to Infantry Battalion 742/SWY Pangdam IX/Udayana and his entourage headed to Makorem 162/WB in Pagutan Village, Mataram District, West Nusa Tenggara.

The Pangdam visit to Makorem 162/Wira Bhakti was in order to inaugurate the Command Center for Korem 162/WB and meet face to face with TNI Soldiers and Civil Servants from the Mataram Garnizun which was attended by approximately 300 people.

On this occasion, the Commander of the Military introduced himself briefly about his history of office. He previously served as Kasdam IX/Udayana for 12 months. In the future, the Commander of the Military will also plan to tour the Korem 162/WB area to get to know the members and the area of Korem 162/WB more closely.

"We as soldiers have a clear and definite duty, so we need to take care of our health so we can serve well. Eat regularly and nutritiously and exercise diligently and always be able to keep your mind in check because there is no one who doesn't have problems. "We must always think normally to stay healthy so we can carry out the tasks given by the leadership," said the Pangdam.

The Military Commander also emphasized to all members not to live wastefully, let alone go into debt. Furthermore, regarding housing issues, the Military Commander hopes that soldiers will try to have private houses and for soldiers who are still in official residences they will try to pay in installments because there is a program from the Army, namely through TWP (Compulsory Housing Savings).

The Military Commander further reminded all Soldiers and Civil Servants to be wise in using social media, use social media in accordance with applicable regulations, and don't get caught in the law so that it can harm themselves, their families and tarnish the name of the unit.

"Facing the political year, TNI neutrality must be upheld where we have no interest in helping anyone so that we are safe in the elections," stressed the Military Commander.

Those present at this activity included Danrem 162/WB, Kasrem 162/WB, Asintel Kasdam IX/Udy, Asops Kasdam IX/Udy Kapendam IX/Udy, Dandenintel Kodam IX/Udy, Dandim ranks of Korem 162/WB as well as TNI Soldiers and Civil Servants throughout - Mataram garrison. (Pendam IX/Udy).

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